There are options for those who deal with the issue. "It's like the worst stomachache of my life. Someone is punching me in the gut. That is followed by nausea and diarrhea," shared the 23-year-old when...
With Johne's extended incubation period, infected cows have the opportunity to shed millions of bacteria before breaking with clinical disease signs.Oftentimes, the diseases and disorders we cannot readily...
The nutrition is the same, even if the method of raising it varies. Beef for dinner, or any other meal, can be found with a variety of labels. How it was raised, housed and fed can differentiate how it...
With the aid of finger paints, Stephanie Arndt and Pandora the Painted Cow are making dairy approachable for youth. Children and adults alike in central New York are learning where their favorite dairy...
This year, the fifth annual UW-Madison Ag Day on Campus, hosted by Collegiate Farm Bureau, coincided with National Earth Day. This was the first time the event had landed on the same day that celebrates...
Spring has barely begun, yet things already look grim. Bad turned to worse for California's drought situation in 2014, which is why, on the first day of spring this year, California's 2015 water situation...
Since pulsation came on-line, machines have taken a lot of flak for causing mastitis. Observations of the entire milking process, though, are needed to unroot the cause of milk quality problems. Since...
Turnout at last week's 12th Western Dairy Management Conference almost set a record. There are three U.S. dairy industry events that are so well known around the world that milk producers often refer to...
Last year, the United States saw another drop in farm acres and number of farms, but productivity filled the gap. Our nation's farmers are faced with the continuous challenge of doing more with less. The...
"Fuel Greatness" campaign stresses breakfast for children. Breakfast sets the table for the day's activities. Starting the day with a meal is the fuel that helps us stay active. Studies have shown that...
Crisis management is intimidating to address but essential for long-term success. When I was 12, my family had an experience that significantly altered our operation. At 11 p.m. in the middle of wheat...